I have always known that we are all interconnected. The same energy or prana flows through all living and non-living alike. In this energy universe any vibration affects us all. We are influenced constantly by the vibrational energy that everything is emitting.
Realizing our interconnectedness can actually be very liberating, as it teaches us that we are not alone in our joys and sufferings. It also encourages us to exude as much positive energy as possible because we are not only influencing ourselves but others as well.
When you want to change someone or any circumstance, always focus on the good outcomes and have positive expectations. You can also shield yourself from the impact of others negative energy. A good psychic and tarot reader can help you on this journey.
Walk in your truth and live an authentic life.
Realizing our interconnectedness can actually be very liberating, as it teaches us that we are not alone in our joys and sufferings. It also encourages us to exude as much positive energy as possible because we are not only influencing ourselves but others as well.
When you want to change someone or any circumstance, always focus on the good outcomes and have positive expectations. You can also shield yourself from the impact of others negative energy. A good psychic and tarot reader can help you on this journey.
Walk in your truth and live an authentic life.